FITK Explores Cooperation and Partnership for the Implementation of PPG Daljab 2022
FITK, UIN News Online – In order to establish partnerships with various institutions and improve the quality of PPG graduates, the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta holds the PPG Daljab 2022 Partnership program. The event was held at the Grand Whiz Hotel, South Jakarta on Thursday, ( 06/30/2022).
The activity was attended by faculty leaders, Heads of Study Programs and Secretaries of Study Programs who were directly involved in implementing PPG. FITK also invited resource persons from the PAI directorate, namely M. Munir (Kasubdit PAI) and Adimin Din. In addition to inviting the PAI directorate, FITK also invited several partner institutions including the Education Sub-Department (Suku Dinas Pendidikan) and representatives from the regional offices of the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs throughout Jabodetabek.
Dean of FITK UIN Jakarta Sururin in her opening remarks said that PPG is a special program that has been set by the government so that all teachers can improve their competence. She also said that in 2019 FITK UIN Jakarta carried out PPG in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government.
“In 2023, the DKI Provincial Government will again cooperate with FITK UIN Jakarta. In addition to the DKI Provincial Government, the South Tangerang Regional Government will also cooperate with us in the same year. Therefore, we would also like to discuss opportunities for collaboration in order to improve the quality and competence of teachers in Indonesia,” said Sururin.
Meanwhile, the Head of the PAI Sub-Directorate, M. Munir said that there are still many madrasa teachers and PAI teachers who have not been certified. The number of madrasah teachers is 750,451, with details of 306,490 (41%) certified, while 443,961 (59%) have not been certified. Then for PAI teachers, a total of 234,630, have been certified, amounting to 104,541 (45%), while the remaining 130,089 (55%) have not been certified. The waiting list for PAI teachers who have not been certified is 134,000, while the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs only able to provide PPG funds to 5000 people annually.
“It took about 26 years for all these teachers to become certified. Therefore, for the welfare of teachers and for better education, let's make this PPG successful by providing scholarships or grants to teachers,” he said.
Furthermore, Adimin Din explained the PPG PAI scheme through the APBD which could be used as a reference.
“First, the provincial/district/city government made an MoU with the organizing LPTK. Second, the Provincial Government/Regency/City Government provides scholarships to teachers, then the teachers register with the organizing LPTK. Third, the Provincial Government/Regency/City Government provides grants to the Ministry of Religious Affairs, then the Ministry of Religious Affairs distributes it to LPTKs that organize PPG. The last one is a financing scheme that comes from the APBD or APBDP budgets,” explained Adimin.
Then, he also submitted data on the contribution of the Provincial Government/City Government/Local Government in PPG PAI financing.
“The total local government budget subsidy is Rp. 15,835,000,000 with a total of 3,617 PPG students and PAI supervisors. Meanwhile, the highest provincial government in financing PPG PAI is the West Java provincial government with 513 participants with a budget of 2,615,000,000. Meanwhile, the regional government that issued the highest financing was Bogor Regency with 253 participants with a budget of IDR 1,245,000,000,” he said. (fitk/musam/usa)