FITK Closes Last day of PLPG
Cisarua, UIN NEWS Online– Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) UIN Jakarta closed the PLPG Stage of Teacher of Islamic Education (PAI) at Grand Prioritas Hotel, last Wednesday (13/12/2017).
Vice Dean for Student Affairs Alumni and Cooperation Dr Fauzan MA representing Dean of FITK Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya MA who is unable to attend.
Fauzan in his speech said that the participants of PLPG 2017 are among the very lucky participants because they are called to follow the one stage that everyone wants the Ministry of Religious's call to follow the certification process through this PLPG.
"Of the 185 participants recorded for this final stage, only 169 people attended. Means there are about 16 participants who did not attend, there are also information from Bogor, "said Fauzan in front of the participants from Sabang to Merauke.
This is part of the luck process, he added, because not everyone has this access. He added that another advantage is that the teacher certification of the teacher training and teacher training program in 2017 is the last.
"2018 Kemenristek and Kemenag seem to have started to admit that the certification process through Teacher Professional Education (PPG), no longer 10 days, can be four months to a year," added Fauzan.
Based on the government's mandate in Law No. 14 of 2015, Chairman of Lecturer Association of Teacher Education Madrasah Ibtidaiyah emphasized several important things. Firstly, all teachers should be qualified professional teachers who meet the Strata One standards or more.
Second, they must have the ability or competence, good teaching skills related to pedagogic, how to teach good, design a learner, master learning strategy and mastering the teaching materials to be delivered at elementary, junior and senior high school level.
He explained, PAI in the context of the Curriculum 2013 (Kurtilas), has two powers. First, the brightness, its position as a subject that must provide a reinforcement in the concept of morals or behavior, attitudes, and ethics. Secondly, as a process, it has obligations that shape the learning pattern toward a good attitude.
Fauzan asserted, if PLPG 2017 is interpreted as the last PLPG, then this is as part of socialization efforts Kurtilas policy. Therefore, the desired course is that there is a change in the pattern of learning that is done.
"Please apply the science that has been studied, whether it is how to understand the scientific approach that is very likely to be applied in the PAI, as well as the authentic approach that became the new curriculum founder," he explained.
He added that the most important thing in Kurtilas is how teachers are able to implement IT as part of the Teaching and Learning Activities process. So in this PLPG 2017, participants are forced to come into contact with the internet for uploading the Online bundling (In Network) process, using email and UTN online.
"The meaning is in the future, the lesson can no longer be only conventional thinking, should be directed to the implementation of IT-based ITM," said the doctor graduated from the University of Education Indonesia (UPI) Bandung that ended his speech.
Known, FITK is the only LPTK appointed by the government to implement the PLPG activities in 2017. The activity is held for four stages with approximately 1000 participants starting on November 14 and ending December 15, 2017. Graduation will be announced on December 24, 2017. (usa-rs)