FISIP UIN Jakarta Will Organize The 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Sciences 2017
FISIP, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Social and Political Science UIN Jakarta (FISIP) in collaboration with Atlantic Press will organize The 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Sciences 2017, entitled “Celebrating Two Decades of Indonesia’s Reformation: Reexamining Democracy, State, and Civil Societyâ€Â which will be held on the 14th -15th of November, 2017 at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Campus II of UIN Jakarta.
Based on the release obtained by UIN News Online, (7/20), the Conference will address a range of critical issues and themes relating to democracy, state and civil society from varied disciplines such as political science, sociology, anthropology, international relations, and public policy.
This conference also plans to provide numerous paper presentations, 50 selected papers will be included in Scopus indexed Conference Proceeding. An abstract of about 250 words should be submitted to the conference website  ( by 10th July 2017. All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by at least three independent reviewers from the conference boards. Full papers of about 2000 words should be submitted by 4st September 2017 to the conference committee submission system as a word document.
The conference will present a number of keynote speakers from across the globe, among them are Prof Bahtiar Effendy (UIN Jakarta, Indonesia), Dr Sharyn Graham Davies (Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand), Dr Leonard C Sebastian (Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Singapore), Prof Edward Aspinall (Australian National University, Australia), Prof Robert W Hefner (Boston University, USA), Dr Abubakar Eby Hara (Jember University, Indonesia), and Dr Saiful Mujani (UIN Jakarta, Indonesia). (usa)