FISIP UIN Jakarta Holds Seminar on Islam Nusantara
FISIP Auditorium, UIN News Onlone - In order to commemorate the death of UIN Jakarta’s Social Sciences Professor Prof. Dr. Bambang Pranowo, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UIN Jakarta held a National Seminar entitled “Islam Nusantara: Tantangan dan Prospek” at FISIP Auditorium, Campus 2 of UIN Jakarta, Tuesday (03/07/2018). The seminar which was filled with Islam Nusantara dalam Konteks book launching presented two speakers, author of Dr.Phil. Syafiq Hasyim and humanist Muhammad Sobary MA. The seminar was guided by researcher of Balitbang Kemenag RI Dr Muhammad Adlin Sila.
Vice Dean for Academic Affairs FISIP UIN Jakarta Dr. Dzuriyatun Thoyibah in her speech revealed that the national seminar is a tribute to the late Bambang Pranowo. As an academician, the late Bambang is an academic who is disciplined and diligent in studying the field of science he studies. "He is a teacher for all UIN Jakarta's academic community, especially to FISIP academic community, which teaches discipline and perseverance," said Dzuriyatun.
The evidence of discipline and diligence of the late Prof Bambang, can be seen from his numerous academic works. One of them, Understanding Javanese Islam, as one of Bambang's best works. In this book, he also challenged the sorting of anthropologist "santri-abangan" Clifford Geertz for a Javanese Muslim society that dominates Indonesia's social, cultural and political discourse.
Professor of Religious Sociology UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. H.M. Bambang Pranowo passed away on Friday, January 5, 2018 in Jakarta. Bambang died after being treated for some time due to illness at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital.
During his lifetime, the man born in Magelang August 27, 1947 is very active and productive in conducting some research on Islam and the Java Society. His doctoral dissertation at the Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Australia (1985-1991), Creating Islamic Tradition in Rural Java became an important marker of his attention to the dynamics of Islam and the Muslim Community in Java.
In his dissertation which was subsequently published in the Indonesian edition of Understanding of Javanese Islam (2009), Bambang also criticized the anthropologist Clifford Geertz's "santri-abangan" division of Javanese Muslim society which dominates Indonesia's social, cultural and political discourse. His ethnographic research noted that Islam in Java is complex and plural, a system of religiosity that is not merely a state of being but a state of becoming.
In addition to Understanding Javanese Islam, the late Bambang also inherited a number of other academic works of opinion in various media, articles in various scientific journals, and a number of books with the theme of his concern,s such as Stereotip Etnik, Asimilasi, Integrasi Sosial (1988), Islam Faktual: Antara Tradisi Dan Relasi Kuasa(1998), Runtuhnya Dikotomi Santri-Abangan: Refleksi Sosiologis Atas Perkembangan Islam Di Jawa Pasca 1965 (2001), and Orang Jawa Jadi Teroris (2011). (usa)