FISIP UIN Jakarta held a workshop to increase employees’ softskill

FISIP UIN Jakarta held a workshop to increase employees’ softskill

FISIP, UIN News Online - Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an event to increase employee’s soft skills. The event took place on Wednesday July 25, 2018, at Aulamadya on the 1st floor of the Faculty of Social and Political Science building.

In the event of sofskill increase activity, this employee invited resource persons, Sandra Erawanto, S.STP., M.Pub.Pol (Widyaiswara Muda, Pusdiklat of State Secretariat). the event was opened by Uus Kusdiyah, MM head of administrative division of FISIP   and Dr. A. Bakir Ihsan, M.Si   Deputy Dean of the General Administration of FISIP. The participants of this meeting were attended by deans, vice deans, study programs and all FISIP staff.

The material presented by the speakers is about the discipline and ethics of Civil State Apparatus (ASN). This activity begins with providing information on the functions of the right brain and left brain and the game how to balance the two brain functions so that someone knows which brain is more dominant in working. After that the delivery of discipline and work ethics that must be owned by the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) so that professionals in the work.

"The ethics possessed by ASN include procedures for appearance, shaking hands, talking, sitting, stand up," Sandra said. This activity also provides information on how to welcome VIP guests, treat leaders in an event and how to look good and how to communicate well.

This activity is good for all employees within the Faculty of Social and Political Science about how discipline and ethics work in order to become a professional ASN. All participants are very enthusiastic about following this activity because it provides important information rarely known by ASN. (usa-rs)