Financial Report for 2023: UIN Jakarta Achieves Unmodified Opinion from Audit
Rektorat Building, UIN News Online - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta has once again achieved outstanding success in financial governance following the attainment of an Unmodified Opinion (Wajar Tanpa Modifikasi - WTM) on the Financial Report for the Fiscal Year 2023 from the Public Accountant Office of Junaedi, Chairul and Partners. The opinion was presented during the coordination meeting of the Supervisory Board of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta's BLU in the Main Meeting Room of the Rektorat Building, on Thursday (30/05/2024).
Hafid Fitra Habibi, the Signing Partner of KAP Junaedi, Chairul, and Partners, mentioned in his statement that the audit results, reflected in the form of the WTM Opinion, indicate that UIN Jakarta has successfully managed its finances. "This WTM Opinion indicates that there are no material findings that have a significant impact on the financial statements, and everything has been presented fairly. The presentation of the UIN Jakarta Hospital financial report has also been properly examined and consolidated," he said.
In addition to good financial governance, he continued, the financial reporting process within UIN Jakarta's environment strongly supports the audit process itself. The Accounting Reporting Team (Aklap) and the Internal Audit Unit (SPI) were deemed sufficiently supportive of the audit process. "We also express our gratitude to the Aklap and SPI Teams for assisting in ensuring a smooth audit process," he added.
Rektor UIN Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, M.A., Ph.D., expressed his gratitude and appreciation for this achievement. "This WTM audit result is tangible evidence of the hard work of all academic communities of UIN Jakarta in maintaining integrity and public trust. We must continue to strive to improve the quality of financial governance to support the university's vision and mission," he said.
Rektor Asep Jahar hoped that with this WTM opinion, UIN Jakarta would continue to make significant contributions in the fields of education, research, and community service. He believed that this is crucial in accelerating UIN Jakarta as a state Islamic university with excellent accreditation and world-class recognition.
In light of the WTM opinion, the BLU Supervisory Board also expressed their appreciation. One of the members of the BLU Supervisory Board of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. H. Rohmat Mulyana Sapdi, M.Pd., commended UIN Jakarta for achieving the WTM opinion.
As a supervisory board, he continued, they will always strive to carry out their oversight duties and functions to ensure that all operational activities and financial management of the university run smoothly and in accordance with applicable regulations. "However, we also realize that this achievement is not without the active role of all levels of leadership and staff who have worked together responsibly," he added.
The Chair of SPI UIN Jakarta, Dr. Yulianti M.Si, explained that the attainment of the WTM opinion is the highest audit opinion given by external auditors. This indicates that UIN Jakarta's financial statements have been prepared and presented fairly, in accordance with applicable accounting standards. "This achievement reflects UIN Jakarta's strong commitment to applying principles of transparency, accountability, and good governance," she said.
With the attainment of the WTM opinion, she continued, UIN Jakarta is now more determined to move forward towards the future by maintaining and improving the recognized standards of governance nationally and internationally. Therefore, she urged all relevant parties to continue improving the quality of financial reporting. (Reported by: Ahmad Affandi/ZM/Faadhila Idris)