Fikes UIN Jakarta holds webinar on interprofessional education

Fikes UIN Jakarta holds webinar on interprofessional education

FIKES, UIN News Online – In order to improve the quality of professional education, the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) UIN Jakarta held a webinar on Interprofessional Education (IPE) entitled “Peningkatan Kualitas Mutu Pendidikan Profesi Kesehatan Melalui IPE” on Friday (03/19/2021).

Dean of Fikes UIN Jakarta Zilhadia in her remarks said that IPE is a collaborative approach to prepare future health workers who are effective in solving various health problems.

“IPE is absolutely indispensable in the world of education and considered as one of the important steps in advancing health professionals supported by the Institute of Medicine,” said Zilhadia.

In 2021, continued Zilhadia, Fikes has prepared itself to form an IPE team based on a measurable and sustainable strategy. She also added that the purpose of forming a team is to formulate concepts, frameworks, models, and strategies in the implementation of integrated education between departments or IPE at Fikes UIN Jakarta.

“There are four steps that must be carried out, namely preparation, strengthening, implementing research, and recommendations,” she added.

Zilhadia hopes that the team can implement a realistic curriculum which will later become evaluation and recommendation materials.

Meanwhile, lecturer of the Health Sciences Study Program, Karyadi, who was appointed as a resource person explained that the emergence of IPE is for the safety of the patients, namely the patient's condition which is free from the risk of injury.

“This IPE can be realized with the synergy between health professions, namely nurses, pharmacists, phycisians, social workers, nutritionists, for the sake of the patients safety,” said Karyadi.

He also emphasized, another thing that is needed in realizing the IPE is by developing understanding and respect for other professions. “Of course, all of this is motivated by the necessity of integrating knowledge (including Islamic sciences) as well as the conditions in the world of work in health sectors,” he concluded. (usa/mf)