Fikes UIN Jakarta conducts PBSB socialization in NTB
Central Lombok, UIN News Online – The flag of the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes) of UIN Jakarta flies at the Tahfidz Al-Bukhari Islamic boarding school in Lombok, Semayan Village, Praya sub-district, Central Lombok district, West Nusa Tenggara province.
“The presence of the UIN Jakarta Rector and leadership of FIKES UIN Jakarta will surely is a necessity for the advancement of the education of santri and female students in Lombok,” said the leader of Al-Bukhori Islamic Boarding School TGH Hariyanto Abu Abdul Aziz on Saturday (10/09/2021).
Hariyanto hopes that the UIN Jakarta group can improve human resources among santri and female students, especially Al-Bukhori Islamic Boarding School and Islamic Boarding Schools around Central Lombok.
According to Hariyanto, a great hope must begin with a dream which is then continued with Effort. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of the students of Ponpes Al-Bukhari Lombok in pursuing their great future by improving memorization, language skills, and also other sciences, such as Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, PPKN and other general education.
“This is what continues to be developed at the Al-Bukhori Islamic Boarding School in Lombok. To educate students who have a strong religious foundation balanced with other knowledge,” he said.
Meanehile, the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis, accompanied by Vice Rector for Cooperation and Institutional Development Lily Surraya Eka Putri, Dean of Fikes Zilhadia and a number of Fikes officials explained the pattern of education that needs to be developed at this time, namely an integrated science pattern.
“Integrated education is needed as an effort to answer future challenges,” said the Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis.
On the same occasion, Dean of Fikes UIN Jakarta Zilhadia in her presentation explained that the Outstanding Student Scholarship Program (PBSB) had been started from 2005 to 2021.
“There are two funding schemes that we offer for this scholarship,” she said.
First, she continued, with funding from the Indonesian Ministry if Religious Affairs (MORA) and second, from their respective Regional Governments.
“In addition, I also hope that there will be PBSB students from Central Lombok next year,” she hoped.
Also present in the event, a number of Islamic Boarding School leaders and MA school principals in Central Lombok, a number of Al-Bukhori Islamic Boarding School teachers and students. (usa/mf)