FIKES lecturer implements the Kampung Santri program
Ciputat, UIN News Online – The Kampung Santri program, a breakthrough initiated by the Public Health Expert of UIN Jakarta, Karyadi, has been implemented in four sub-districts of Balaraja, Tangerang Regency, Banten.
“The idea behind the “Kampung Santri” program arose because of the public's anxiety about coming to health services during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Karyadi to Fikes news online on Thursday (03/11/2021).
In addition, he continued, this limited health service was an inspiration for Karyadi to create an application that could monitor the health status of the surrounding community and enabled them to communicate with related health service agencies.
Kampung Santri is a research-based institution that aims to identify diseases and provide them with medical care by visiting residents' homes,” he added.
In implementing this program, he continued, the Kampung Santri collaborated with FIKES UIN Jakarta FIKES, PNNI (the Indonesian Nurses Association), Forum Silaturahmi Putra dan Putri Tangerang, and Balaraja High School Alumni who help the community in solving general health problems.
He also added that the name "Kampung Santri" was used because Banten Province was identical with the elements of santri.
“The Kampung Santri program was created with the aim of empower the community’s spiritual level as well as to responding this pandemic situation.
Apart from the health sector, the Kampung Santri program also provides non-health services by assisting the community in learning, memorizing and transcribing the Qur'an.
Karyadi also plans that the Kampung Santri program will invite other faculties from UIN Jakarta to contribute to this program and be a pioneer who can bridge the gap between universities, society and the government as a forum for inter-institutional cooperation opportunities. (usa/fjt/mf)