FIDK UIN Jakarta holds webinar on virtual da’wa

FIDK UIN Jakarta holds webinar on virtual da’wa

Ciputat, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Da’wa and Communication Science (FIDK) UIN Jakarta holds webinar on virtual da’wa entitled “Dakwah Virtual, Telaah Etnografi Digital”, Friday (05/15/2020).

The webinar, which was opened by the Dean of FIDK Suparto, was attended by FIDK UIN Jakarta lecturers as well as dozens of academics and communication studies enthusiasts in various national universities. Among them are UIN Suska Riau, UIN Antasari Banjarmasin, IAIN Kudus, IAIN Kendari, IAIN Pekalongan, FDK Unisnu Jepara, Medan State University, STIT Islamiyah Karya Paron Ngawi Development, and other campuses.

Suparto in his remarks hoped that this activity could maintain the academic tradition even though we are in the middle Covid-19 pandemic situation. "Alhamdulillah, this webinar was attended by dozens of enthusiastic participants from all over Indonesia," he said.

This event presented a number of speakers namely \Moch. Fakhruroji from UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, Wahyuddin Halim from UIN Alaudin Makassar, and Rully Nasrullah from UIN Jakarta. The event was moderated by Communication Lecturer at FIDIKOM UIN Jakarta Fita Fathurokhmah.

In his presentation, Wahyuddin explained that ethnography became one of the qualitative research methods that many researchers used by participating directly in the research community. Meanwhile, when using the internet media, ethnography is possible to be used by transferring the normal way of working in an internet or digital context.

Wahyuddin exemplifies the results of his research entitled 'Young Islamic Preachers on Facebook: Pesantren As'adiyah and Its Engagement with Social Media'. In this research, he examines how exposure and involvement of social media have influenced religious life, the pesantren tradition which is often associated with conservatism.

Meanwhile, Moch. Fakhruroji explained, the study of virtual da'wah could not only be used with ethnographic methods, but could also be used with other methods. For example the netnographic method.

According to Fakhruroji, there are a number of terms used in calling the phenomenon of the emergence of religious messages on the internet. Among them cyber-religion, digital religion or more specifically online religion.

“The internet can be used as a means to presenting Islamic knowledge that can lead to the practice of online da’wa,” he said.

Rully Nasrullah who delivered his presentation on the topic of Digital Research for Digital Culture said there was a tendency for fundamental mistakes in conducting studies on the internet. "The common mistake is to do research on the internet with a new reality, but do it with analytical tools that appear before the internet," he said.

Rully explained, cyber media analysis should be approached through a number of levels. Among them, media space where the object is the structure of media devices and appearance. Then, media media archive where the object is content and aspects of the meaning of text / graphics.

Furthermore, media objects which include interactions that occur in cyber media. Finally, experiences (experiential stories in the form of motives, effects, benefits or reality are connected offline or online. (usa/zm)