FIDK UIN Jakarta holds faculty-parents meeting

FIDK UIN Jakarta holds faculty-parents meeting

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Da’wa and Communication Sciences (FIDK) UIN Jakarta holds faculty-parents meeting, Monday (11/04/2019), at The Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta.

Present in the event, Vice Rector for Student Affairs Masri Mansoer, Dean of FIDK Suparto, Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Siti Napsiyah, Vice Dean for General Administration Shibuddin Noor, and Vice Dean for Student Affairs Cecep Sastrawijaya.

Suparto in his remarks thanked the parents of the students who had entrusted their children to study at FIDK UIN Jakarta. “I hope that we can all work together to continue to improve the quality of education in the future,” said Suparto.

Suparto also hoped that this meeting was expected to provide information and positive input to each other in improving academic quality and increasing student expertise.

Inline with Suparto, Vice Rector for Student Affair Masri Mansoer in his presentation also said that parents must also play an active role in supervising the activities of their children during their studies at UIN Jakarta.

“It needs a good cooperation between the parents and the university,” said Masri.

Therefore, the cooperation between parents and the university in supervising children is very considered important to prevent the things that are not desired by all parties. (usa)