FIDK-ICMI holds national seminar
FIDK, UIN News Online – The Association of Indonesian Muslim Intellectuals (ICMI) in collaboration with the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FIDK) UIN Jakarta holds national seminar entitled “Sosialisasi Penyelamatan Generasi Penerus Bangsa dari Malapetaka Moral pada Perilaku Menyimpang Hubungan Seksual Sejenis,” held on Wednesday (04/24), at the theater room of FIDK UIN Jakarta.
Present in the event, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis, Vice Rector for Student Affairs of UIN Jakarta Masri Mansoer, Dean of FIDK UIN Jakarta Suparta, and invited guests.
Rector in her remarks said that the socialization activities held at the Campus, especially at UIN Jakarta, is the right choice. This is due to the campus is an institution that will produce the next generation of the nation.
“It is hoped that all of us will be able to find solutions to various sexual deviation problems that became the major theme in this seminar,” said Rector.
Furthermore, she added, students are expected to be able to follow, listen to what will be delivered by speakers who will share their knowledge in this event.
For information, several expert speakers were presented at the event, including Sri Astuti Buchari (ICMI Deputy Chairperson), Aida Vitayala Hubies (Professor of Human Ecology, IPB), Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh (Deputy for Youth Development, Kemenpora), dr. Hanny Nilasari (Skin and Sexologist Specialist / Secretary General of the Indonesian Association of Skin and Sexologist Doctors), Masnah Sari (Former Chairwoman of the KPAI for the period of 2007-2010), and Herawati Taringan.
Sri Astuti in her speech revealed the purpose of the socialization is to find a solution to prevent the spread of sexual deviance problems. “We encourage students to be more active in various social activities in order to prevent the spread of sexual deviations,” she said. (usa)