FIDIKOM Holds National Symposium and Study Program Meeting
Depok, UIN NEWS Online - Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FIDIKOM) UIN Jakarta held a National Symposium and Gathering of Study Programs throughout the FIDIKOM / FDK State Islamic Religious Universities. The activity was held at the Ministry of National Education Education Training Center, Depok, West Java, and is scheduled to take place over the next three days since opening this Wednesday afternoon (09/12/2018).
The symposium and the meeting of the study program itself was opened directly by the Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada MA. Then, Da'wah-themed activities and New World Challenges: Reviewing the Media and Da'wah Institutions were attended by dozens of chairmen of study programs in the FIDIKOM / FDK PTKIN environment.
In his report, the Dean of FIDIKOM Dr. Arif Subhan MA revealed that activities aimed at facilitating the exchange of experiences and ideas of study program managers resulted in recommendations for better academic development. "The symposium and meeting of the study program aims to see current conditions while encouraging curriculum orientation reform so that we can generate qualified alumni," he said.
Rector in his remarks appreciated the organization of the activities while hoping that the activities could dynamize the scientific curriculum of the study program in the FIDIKOM / FDK PTKIN environment. According to Rector, dynamics curriculum is a necessity in creating qualified scholars from faculty of Da'wah.
"Referring to UIN Jakarta’s experience, the faculty of Da'wah is a is one of the most popular faculties," he explained.
Unlike scientific studies and specific professions such as medical sciences, he explained, science and the choice of study programs in the faculty of Da'wah environment are quite open, graduates can choose a profession according to the scientific field obtained or based on the area of interest.
On the other hand, graduates of alumni from study programs with different scientific bases but have the Da'wah and communication science skills also have the opportunity to work in this profession area.
"Therefore, we need to think about how the study program in this faculty can provide a way for them to work in different professions," he continued.
Separately, the department heads welcomed the event. Chairman of Islamic Guidance Study Program (BPI) UIN Jakarta Rini Laili Prihatini M. this activity can be a medium for exchanging the idea in managing the study program.
"In the BPI Study Program, for example. The issue we want to discuss is how to dynamize the curriculum in producing graduates that are suitable for the needs of the community," she explained.
In line with Rini, the head of Da'wah Management Study Program UINSU, Dr. Hasnun Jauhari Ritonga MA welcomed the implementation of the program. "Through this symposium, we want to explore the experiences of fellow study program managers," he concluded. (usa-rs)