FHS-AIPJ Holds FGD on Islamic Family Law
FSH, UIN News Online – Academicians of FSH UIN Jakarta, along with Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Justice (AIPJ) holds focus group discussion themed on “Perkembangan Hukum Keluarga Islam dalam Penerapannya”, at FSH meeting room, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Tuesday, (02/20/2018).
The discussion, which is hosted by Vice Dean for Student Affairs FSH UIN Jakarta Dr. Yayan Sopyan MA, presents 3 speakers, namely Cate Summer (AIPJ Researcher), Wahyu Widiana MA, and Lecturer at the Faculty of Law University of Indonesia (UI) Theodora Yuni Shah Putri MH.
Yayan said, one of the challenges faced by the Religious Courts is the quality improvement of public services and information. Based on student or lecturer research findings, there are many interesting legal cases in the Religious Courts that need to be reviewed in order to improve the services quality.
Meanwhile, Sumner said, the paradigm of the Religious Courts in Indonesia should be much closer to the community. The Religious Courts should be at the forefront in providing access to judicial services and information to the public.
Moreover, almost the majority of the Indonesian people have economic and educational limitations that hamper their legal literacy. "This necessarily requires the Religious Courts in Indonesia to get closer to the public and provide assistance to overcome their legal problems," she said.
She also added that some countries have been practicing family court model that move from one location to another in order to reach people with family law issues such as Circle Court in Australia and Mobile Court in India. “By this model, public will soon have the luxury of justice being delivered literally at their doorsteps,” she added.