Febtria Adisthya Rato Putri won the first gold medal for UIN Jakarta at PIONIR IX
Malang, UIN News Online – Febtria Adisthya Rato Putri, 2nd semester student at the psychology faculty of UIN Jakarta won the first medal at PIONIR IX, 2019. The 20 years old Hilmah managed to obtain gold medal on women’s single badminton competition by leaving UIN Banten as the runner up and UIN Surabaya as the second runner up.
When met by UIN News online, Febtria expressed her gratitude, “Alhamdulillah, i managed to obtain this achievement. I would like to dedicate this gold medal to UIN Jakarta,” she said.
In the quarter-finals, he met Sofia Delanti from IAIN Pontianak, in the Semi-Finals, she met Riska Resaria Indah from UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya and in the Final she defeated Ulfita Novianti Rizki from UIN Maulana banten with a perfect score of 21-8; 21-8.
Effort will never betray the results. Hard work and support from friends and officials was a motivation for Febtriai to become a champion.
“Thank you, this would not have been possible without all of your supports,” said Febtria. (usa)