Febria Adha Larasati Wins First Place in Journalistic Photography Contest
Rektorat,UIN News Online – Febria Adha Larasati, a student of the Journalism Study Program, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, won the first prize and favorite winner in the Journalistic Photography Competition among Universities in Java themed “Freedom of Journalism: Are We Moving Forward or Backward?”, organized by the Journalistic Student Activity Unit (UKM) of Sultan Agend Tirtayasa University, Serang, Banten.
The results of the journalistic photography competition were announced on Saturday (07/16/2022). For her achievements, Febri was rewarded with the granting of certificates and other souvenirs.
Febri, who is also a photographer of the LPM Institut of UIN Jakarta, explained that the journalistic photography competition was held on June 27, July 1, 2022. The competition was held online in the form of digital photos. The committee determines four photo sub -themes, namely freedom of expression, press freedom, anti -violence, and independence.
Of the four sub -themes, Febri chose the theme of anti -violence and freedom of expression. The first photo sent was given the title "Paradox". The photo depicts a police officer who is given a flower by a demonstration when escorting cases of sexual violence at Riau University.
As for the second photo, she gave the title "Vox Populi". The photo illustrates a number of participants in the action of being speeches to criticize government policies.
Febri followed the entire series of events in two stages. In the first photo, the work sent represents the LPM Institute, while in the second photo represents the UIN Jakarta campus.
As a result, the first photo of "Vox Populi" managed to become the first champion and the second photo titled "Paradox" won a favorite champion. While the second winner was won by Anton Rifa'i from Airlangga University in Surabaya and the third winner was Faturahman Sopian from LPM Gemma Alpas University Pancasila Jakarta. (ns/hn/usa)