FEB Will Hold Khataman Al-Qur'an

FEB Will Hold Khataman Al-Qur'an

Rectorate, UIN NEWS Online - The new building of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) on campus 2 in the near future will soon be inaugurated. However, before the inauguration, FEB will hold a tasyakuran event and khataman al-Qur'an together.

According to Vice Dean of General Administration FEB Ade Sofyan Mulazid, tasyakuran event will be held in Tuesday, (06/26/2018) and attended by a number of UIN Jakarta academicians, both leaders and staff. In addition to tasyakuran and khataman, the event will also be filled with lecture by resource person KH Cholil Nafis, FEB lecturer.

Khataman al-Qur'an will involve elements of faculty, staff, and students FEB and a number of other students from Ma'had Aly. The event was held in the form of kesehaman lesehan on the ground floor.

As is known, UIN Jakarta has built a new lecture building FEB in the former residential area of ​​lecturers, Pisangan, Ciputat Timur, South Tangerang. The building is built as high as five floors above the land owned by UIN Jakarta of 8,000 square meters. Building the building is made with modern architecture and use the concept of green building.

The new FEB lecture building is expected to accommodate about 1,500 students. In addition to the main room lecture, the building is also equipped with offices, lecturers, canteen, mushala, and parking facilities. (usa-rs)