FEB UIN Jakarta Will Offer 2 New Master’s Program

FEB UIN Jakarta Will Offer 2 New Master’s Program

FEB, UIN News Online – Economics and Business Faculty (FEB) UIN Jakarta will offer 2 new Master’s Program, namely Management Master’s (MM) Program and Sharia Accounting Master’s (Maksi) Program. Information about the registration terms soon will be announced by the faculty and the admissions committee.

Dean of FEB UIN Jakarta Dr. M. Arief Mufraini LC., MA to UIN News Online revealed that FEB currently preparing to open new student enrollment of MM and Maksi Syariah graduate program. "Insha Allah, the registration period will be open in this year second semester," he explained.

The opening of the program itself, he added, can be done after the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia as a higher education authority grants program implementation permit. Furthermore, in addition to the accreditation process, FEB also prepare for infrastructure facilities and teaching resources.

"Hope everything goes well. This is to facilitate specialization studies based management and Sharia accounting as our scientific distinction," he added.

The offer of MM and Maksi Sharia programs is to complement the postgraduate courses offered by FEB itself. Previously, FEB has opened a Master Program and Doctoral for Sharia Banking.

Special for doctoral program, it makes FEB as the first faculty in UIN Jakarta that offers doctoral program. At the national level, the Syariah Banking Doctoral Program is the first doctoral program offered by the State Islamic Religious Higher Institution. (usa)