FEB UIN Jakarta ready to strengthen its academic quality
Rectorate, UIN News Online – To improve its academic quality, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Jakarta added several lecturers with doctoral educational backgrounds. This is in line with the efforts of FEB UIN Jakarta to strengthen the contribution of economic science, especially sharia economics, in the State Islamic Religious Higher Education Institution.
Based on data obtained by BERITA UIN Online, Wednesday (08/26/2020), it is said that during the past two months, four lecturers at FEB have successfully completed their doctoral education in sharia economics. They are Endah Meiria, Faizul Mubarok, Adhitya Ginanjar, and Riris Aishah Prasetyowati.
Endah, who teaches at the Sharia Banking Study Program at FEB UIN Jakarta, completed her doctoral education by defending her dissertation entitled “Model Pemasaran 4A Islami Pada Nasabah Advokasi Bank Syariah Indonesia”. Meanwhile, Faizul, he managed to defend his dissertation entitled Islamic “Dinamika Efisiensi dan Risiko Pembiayaan Perbankan Syariah Pada Sektor Riil”.
Furthermore, Riris wrote a dissertation entitled “Model Perilaku Kompetisi Perbankan Syariah: Pembuktian Empiris Industri Bank Umum Syariah Indonesia dan Malaysia”, and recently, Adhitya, he successfully completed his doctoral education after defending his dissertation entitled “Roles of Islamic Microfinance Institutions in improving Financial Inclusion in Indonesia: Empirical Evidence from Baitul Maal wa Tamwil”.
Dean of FEB UIN Jakarta, Amilin, warmly welcomes the new doctors in the faculty he leads. He hopes that their presence will strengthen the academic tradition in the field of economics science at FEB UIN Jakarta. He also added that the addition of lecturers with doctoral education is in line with the expectations of UIN Jakarta in developing economic scientific traditions, especially Islamic economics. Currently, FEB UIN Jakarta itself continues to strengthen the development of economic science by offering education in undergraduate, masters and doctoral programs.
“Hopefully this can motivate other lecturers to complete their dissertation research as soon as possible,” he said. (usa/zm)