FEB UIN Jakarta Facilitating FOSSEI Annual Activities

FEB UIN Jakarta Facilitating FOSSEI Annual Activities

Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online - Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Jakarta was chosen to host the 2018 Regional Scientific Meeting, Forum of FOSSEI, which took place at the Main Auditorium, Monday-Friday (03/05-09/2018). This year's annual event takes the theme of Small Enterprise for Big Indonesia by highlighting the economic role of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector in Indonesia.

Chief Executive of Activity Abyan Naufal said, this annual meeting intentionally highlighted the development of UMKM actors as well as strengthening their business for the people of Indonesia. This is because UMKM is proven as one of the business sectors that strengthen the economy of grassroots community.

"Now we discuss about MSMEs. How UMKM can move forward with many tools, such as sociopreneur, technopreneur, and so on," explained Abyan, on Wednesday (03/07/2018).

In addition to the discussions and seminars surrounding MSMEs, the event was also filled with a number of competitions that followed by dozens of FOSSEI member universities. The same event was also filled with talk shows with the MSMEs perpetrators who succeeded in advancing their own business.

"This event will end with awarding night to the winner of the race and the best learning group," explained Abyan.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Islamic Economics Department FEB UIN Jakarta RR Tini Anggraeni ST M.Si appreciate the holding FOSSEI annual meeting in UIN Jakarta. According to her, the meeting that presents the economic scholars as well as the UMKM business actors is very necessary in strengthening the growth of micro business sector in the country.

"In addition to challenging the economic scholars in thinking about the problems of SMEs, this also opens their eyes so as not to be afraid to become the perpetrators of SMEs themselves," she said. (usa)