FDIKOM UIN Jakarta Holds National Seminar on Public Information Transparency and Media Democratization in Indonesia
Public information transparency is an obligation for the government to provide easy access for the public to obtain the necessary information. Additionally, public information transparency is a crucial foundation for achieving good governance, transparency, and accountability, as well as encouraging public participation in policy-making and decision-making processes.
Media democratization refers to countries that adopt a democratic system. Broadcasting media is an essential part of a country's social control. To evaluate whether a country is democratic, it is insufficient to merely observe changes in the political system and the success of elections and leadership transitions. Significant changes in the broadcasting media system are also crucial as part of the democratization process. Building a democratic society requires efforts to reform the broadcasting media system itself.
Public information transparency and media democratization in Indonesia present a significant industrial potential that must be given space. However, ethical and cultural values must be respected and sensitive to the media itself, as information transparency and broadcasting media have their unique characteristics and distribution systems that utilize public space.
In this context, the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science (FDIKOM) of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta organized a National Seminar themed "Media Democratization and Public Information Transparency in Indonesia." The event was held at the Prof. Dr. Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, on Thursday, July 11, 2024, from 08:00 to 16:00 WIB, consisting of two sessions. The seminar participants included lecturers, students, the academic community of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, media practitioners, and community groups.
The Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si., outlined two main objectives for holding this national seminar. First, to discuss substantial aspects of the implementation of public information transparency and the direction of the Broadcasting Law revision currently under discussion. This is important to identify and accommodate the notes and inputs from academics and civil society activists. Second, to serve as a platform for the democratic exchange of ideas to collectively strengthen responsible freedom, which is fundamental for the Indonesian nation.
Echoing the Dean's sentiments, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Dr. Fita Fathurokhmah, M.Si., stated that the National Seminar with the theme "Public Information Transparency and Media Democratization in Indonesia" is also an effort to implement the Outcome-Based Education (OBE) curriculum at FDIKOM UIN Jakarta. This approach in the education system focuses on student competencies in accordance with student needs and graduate competencies that are more relevant to the job market, achievable in the era of information transparency and the media industry. This national seminar is also an effort to collaborate in the academic field by inviting guest lecturers to provide students with knowledge enrichment about information transparency as part of the actualization of Pancasila values. Every citizen has the right and authority to obtain information. Information transparency must be balanced with cultural and religious values.
Furthermore, the national seminar will feature Keynote Speakers: Ubaidillah, S.Sos, M.Pd (Chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission), Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MA, Ph.D (Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta), Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si (Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Science). The first session of the national seminar, themed "Public Information Transparency: Public Information Transparency Law," will feature Latief Siregar (Senior Journalist and Former Editor-in-Chief of MNC TV), Dr. Ismail Cawidu, M.Si (Lecturer at FDIKOM UIN Jakarta), H. Luqman Hakim Arifin, S.Fil (Vice Chairman of the Jakarta Provincial Information Commission).
In the second session, the national seminar themed "Quo Vadis of the Broadcasting Law Revision" will feature Prof. Dr. Masduki, M.Si (National Committee for Broadcasting Reform), Evri Rizqi Monarshi, S.K.M (Commissioner for Institutional Affairs of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission), Dr. Bintan Humeira, M.Si (Lecturer at FDIKOM UIN Jakarta).
Finally, the Dean of FDIKOM hopes that this national seminar will produce important recommendations for the implementation of the Public Information Transparency Law (KIP) and the revision of the Broadcasting Law. Therefore, this academic forum will hold significant and strategic meaning.
For further information, please contact: Muh. Yahya Saraka, M.Sos (085215393543).