FDIKOM UIN Jakarta and DKI Jakarta Provincial Information Commission Sign MoA at Public Information Transparency Seminar
Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN News Online - The Faculty of Dakwah and Communication Science (FDIKOM) at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta organized a national seminar themed “Democratization of Broadcasting Media and Public Information Transparency in Indonesia” at the Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN Jakarta, on Thursday (July 11, 2024).
Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si., Dean of FDIKOM UIN Jakarta, warmly welcomed the seminar on the implementation of public information transparency and the direction of legislative changes. Additionally, Dr. Gun Gun expressed his gratitude to national media outlets such as Metro TV, Kompas, and others for covering the seminar.
Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MA, Ph.D., Rector of UIN Jakarta, hoped the seminar would provide better information on public transparency and emphasized that students are the agents for disseminating information to the public.
Harry Ara Mutabarat, S.H, M.H., Chairman of the Jakarta Information Commission (KI), offered students the opportunity to intern at KI DKI Jakarta. The seminar also featured Ubaidillah, S.Sos, M.Pd., Chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), as a keynote speaker.
A memorandum of agreement (MoA) was signed between KI DKI Jakarta and FDIKOM UIN Jakarta, directly by the head of KI DKI Jakarta and the dean of FDIKOM, witnessed by the rector of UIN Jakarta.
The first session of the seminar explored the topic “Public Information Transparency: Public Information Law (Jakarta’s Future Leaders and Commitment to Public Information Transparency).” UIN Jakarta’s academic community, including lecturers and students, attended the seminar.
The first speaker, Lukman Hakim Arifin, S.Fil., stated that the actors of public transparency include public bodies, information requesters, and the information commission. He emphasized the need for the public to understand the difference between KI and KPI.
The second speaker, Dr. Ismail Cawidu, M.Si., explained the application of the Public Information Transparency Law. “The law is well-designed and needs to be implemented now,” said Ismail.
The third speaker, Latief Siregar, mentioned that many laws guarantee journalists access to good information but also have regulations that oversee them.
After the presentations and a Q&A session with the participants, the seminar continued with the second session.
(Nala Zakina Zuhaida, Noeni Indah Sulistiyani/ Photo: Indra Aldiansyah)