FDIKOM and BAZNAS Officialize Ziswaf Laboratory

FDIKOM and BAZNAS Officialize Ziswaf Laboratory

Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, UIN Online News - Da'wah Management Study Program, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, signed a collaboration as well as inaugurated the Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah and Waqf (ZISWAF) laboratory with the Indonesian National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS) in the 2nd Floor Theater Room, Monday (25/3/2024).

The inauguration was attended by Dean of FDIKOM, Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Fita Faturahman, M.Si, Vice Dean for General Administration, Dr. Rubianah, MA, Head of BAZNAS for Planning, Study and Development, Prof. Dr. H. Zainulbahar Noor, SE, M.Ec. Head of BAZNAS for Collection, Rizaludin, M.Ag. ,M. Si, and a number of students.

Dr. Gun-Gun Heryanto in his speech said that the collaboration on Wednesday afternoon was the first collaboration carried out by FDIKOM in 2024. In 2023 FDIKOM has successfully signed cooperation with 42 institutions. He also believes that the momentum of the collaboration is a jointly designed collaboration between FDIKOM and BAZNAS which will bring together benefits for all.

"Prof. Asep always reminds us that one of the long paths of life is usefulness. The pillar for the realization of usefulness is to establish cooperation," he said.

The FDIKOM cooperation program with BAZNAS itself aims to produce superior graduates who understand comprehensively about zakat management, which is supported by four pillars, communication, services, channels and data.

"This Ziswaf Laboratory is present not only as a symbol of cooperation, but as a good intention, how UIN is present with millennials and Gen Z who care about infaq, shodaqoh, and waqf," he added.

Meanwhile, according to Prof. Zainul, cooperation with FDIKOM is very important because da'wah and communication are needed in conveying knowledge about zakat, infaq, and shadaqah. Literacy and knowledge about zakat is very much needed for the people of Indonesia, the presence of a study program that studies about zakat, especially in the da'wah management department is very helpful.

"Hopefully this cooperation can be carried out and continue to get along well. And we will try for the end of this year there is already a very good product. BAZNAS also has BAZNAZ TV, and now hopefully BAZNAS will launch BAZNAS radio," he said.

The honorary professor of Ass-Shafiyah Islamic University also hopes that the collaboration can produce competent amil candidates and become and become a real step in the synergy of zakat education and research as well as providing an understanding of the wisdom of giving zakat.

In addition, at the end of the event, it was then closed with an iftar together with the deans, invited guests and a number of students. (Linda Yuliani/Novia Syifaputri Ramadhan/FM)

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