FDI UIN Jakarta offers full scholarships for 40 new students

FDI UIN Jakarta offers full scholarships for 40 new students

FDI, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI) UIN Jakarta offers full study scholarships to 40 new students in the 2021/2022 academic year. Scholarship quotas are given to prospective students who choose the Dirasat Islamiyah Study Program.

This wassaid by Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of FDI UIN Jakarta Yuli Yasin to UIN News Online in her office on Friday (06/25/2021). “Scholarships will be awarded for eight semesters,” said Yuli.

To get the scholarship, prospective participants must register for the Independent Enrollment (UM) and choose the Dirasat Islamiyah Study Program. If declared passed, participants will automatically get the scholarship.

In addition, prospective participants must also have the ability to speak Arabic, have basic Islamic skills, and must be able to read the Qur'an properly and correctly. They must also have memorized the Qur'an at least 1 juz. Then, after graduating and becoming students, they must also be willing to memorize eight juz of the Qur'an during the study period.

Yuli added, the registration period for scholarships at FDI starts on June 10 to July 16, 2021. Selection will be made on July 1-19 2021 and the announcement of graduation results on July 26, 2021.

FDI is the only faculty at UIN Jakarta that fully implements the Arabic language teaching system. This faculty was established in 1999 in collaboration with Al Azhar University, Cairo. FDI graduates work in various professional fields, both at home and abroad.

“This faculty aims to produce Muslim scholars, preachers, and professionals in the digital era,” said Yuli. (usa/ns)