FDI UIN Jakarta holds public speaking workshop
FDI, UIN News Online – The Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah (FDI) UIN Jakarta holds public speaking workshop on Monday (10/14/2019, at FDI building, campus I of UIN Jakarta.
By raising the theme on a “Pelatihan Dai dan Khatib Berwawasan Wasathiyyah” or
دورة تدريب الدعاة والخطباء في إطار الوسطية, the seminar presents Ali Nurdin (pesantren Nurul Quran Bogor), Suhendi Al Khathab (Da'i / Preacher, Marriage Counselor, Indonesian family consultant), Muhamad Zen (UIN Jakarta Lecturer), and Hasani Ahmad Said, M.A. (Indonesian Dai-daiyah Association). Also present in the event, Deputy Dean for General Administration of the FDI UIN Jakarta Moch. Syarif Hidayatullah.
Syarif Hidayatullah in his remarks said that this training was held because of the many FDI alumni who became lecturers and preachers in Indonesia and abroad as well as to increase the student’s softskills.
“Through this event, we can take lessons from the da'wah experts,” he said.
The first presenter was Dr. Hasani Ahmad Said, M.A. He discussed Da'wah in the Media, Da'wah Communication and Da'wah Target, Da'wah Method in the Modern Era, Da'wah Challenges in the Media, and others. The second speaker Muhamad Zen, M.A. conveys "Da'wah Management: Medan and the Da'wah Objects" which includes: Differences in the Sermon, Tabligh and Da'wah, Da'wah Field and the Sermon, Da'wah Objects and the Sermon.
K.H. Dr. Ali Nurdin as the third speaker delivered "Characteristics of Moderate Islam", and Suhendi AlKhathab, M.A. the fourth speaker presented فِقْهُ الدَّعْوَةِ والخطبة which included the Rules, Da'wah, and Activities of Da'wah. (usa/as)