FDI Scientific Dialogue: Islam Teaches Wasathiyah Values
FDI, UIN News Online – The scientific dialogue of the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah underlined the wasathiyah values taught in Islam. Commitment to continue to explore and implement these values in today's multicultural life is absolutely necessary.
That is the conclusionof al-Nadwah al-'Ilmiyah Hiwar al-Wasathiyah wal I'tidzal fi Lughot al-Quran or 'Religious Moderation Dialogue in the Language of the Koran' held at FDI Building, Friday (05/27/2022). The dialogue was attended by lecturers, students, and delegates from various institutions.
The dialogue presented a number of speakers. Among them, Ali Ibrahim Abdullah (Rais al-Ba'tsah al-Azhariyah bi Indonesia), Muhammad Salim 'Amir (Imam al-Jami' al-Azhar Egypt), Fathullah Muhammad Fathullah (Mab'uts al-Azhar Indonesia), Syauqi al-Athar (Mab'uts al-Azhar Indonesia), and Alfiyan Iqbal Zahasfan (Mudarris al-'Aqidah wa al-Falsafah FDI UIN Jakarta).
The seminar was opened directly by the Dean of FDI UIN Jakarta, Dr. KH. Muhammad Syairazi Dimyati. Also present in the event, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis who had the opportunity deliver her speech.
Rector in her speech said that Wasathiyah became an inseparable side of Islam. This side makes Islam easily accepted as the majority religion in Indonesia.
The government and the Muslim community in Indonesia, she said, saw the importance of the wasathiyah attitude in the context of life in Indonesia and the world. Therefore, Indonesia initiated the World Muslim Ulema and Scholars Summit in Bogor on 1-3 May 2018.
The results of the summit, as read by Fadhilatu Shaykh DR. Ahmad Muhammad Ahmad Ath-Thayyib emphasized several important aspects related to the wasathiyah attitude. Among the important ones are al-Tawasshut, al-I'tidzal, al-Tasamuh, ash-Shura, al-Ishlah, al-Qudwah, and al-Muwathonah.
“All points of the treatise are expected to become Katsafah Hayyah or living culture,” she said.
Given the importance of Wasathiyah values, she hopes that the idea and implementation of Wasathiyah will continue to be carried out. “Let's deepen our understanding of Islam which spreads Islamic da'wah very slowly as shown by the Prophet,” said Rector.
Meanwhile, Ali Ibrahim in his presentation emphasized that wasathiyah is part of Islam. According to Ibrahim, Wasathiyah became the principle of goodness in every side of human life so that it became a method of da'wah carried out by the Prophet and his earliest companions.
Wasathiyah's experience in Islamic da'wah, he said, could be seen from the legal status of Khamr which was carried out in stages until it reached the status of haram. This is called the principle of gradualness (mabda al-Tadrij) in Islamic da'wah.
Inline with Ali Ibrahim, Fathullah Muhammad Fathullah also said Indonesia has an interesting historical experience regarding the attitude of wasathiyah in Wali Songo's Islamic da'wah.
“As Egyptians, we really appreciate Wali Songo's da'wah method in Indonesia, which is a model of moderation and Wasathiyah da'wah in Indonesia,” he said. (zm/usa)