FAH-NCMS Officiated Nurcholis Madjid Library
FAH Building, UIN NEWS Online- Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH) UIN Jakarta and Nurcholis Madjid Society (NCMS) inaugurated the Library Prof. Dr. Nurcholis Madjid in the Theater room (Friday 3/11/2017). Inauguration of the library marked the discussion, the screening of live documentary film Prof. Dr. Nurcholis Madjid (Cak Nur), and the signing of endowments of 6,000 collections of books of the late to FAH.
The inauguration of the library was attended directly by the wife of the late Cak Nur, Omi Komariah Madjid and his children. While the discussion itself presents a number of well-known speakers close to the late Cak Nur, the Professor of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra CBE MA and Head of Pancasila Work Unit as well as NCMS Board of Trustees. Yudi Latif MA was guided by NCMS Director Muhammad Wahyuni Nafis.
In his presentation, Azra said, the collection of Cak Nur library describes the specialization of his thinking as one of the great thinkers of Indonesian Islam. As a Muslim thinker, he said, Cak Nur has a big influence in balancing Islamic thinking in Indonesia.
While Yudi sees Nurcholis is one of the great thinkers owned by Indonesia. The late Cak Nur, he explained, was quite successful in the dialogue of Islam, modernity, and Indonesian-ness.
"If it refers to the hadith of Prophet Muhammad SAW, that every 100 years there will be people who appear as reformers among their people, then Indonesia needs 100 years to have a Cak Nur," he explained.
Representing civitas academica of UIN Jakarta, Vice Rector for Student Affair Prof. Dr. Yusron Razak M.Si expressed his gratitude and appreciation of the family of the deceased Cak Nur to dedicate the entire collection of his book to UIN Jakarta. Moreover, he explained, Cak Nur itself is one of the alumni of UIN Jakarta pride.
"Hopefully the collection of books of the deceased can be read by students and lecturers of UIN Jakarta," he hoped.
Known, Cak Nur graduated with a Bachelor degree and a Complete Bachelor of Arabic Literature, Faculty of Adab, IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta (now, UIN Jakarta) respectively in 1965 and 1968. Afterwards, the deceased continued his doctoral education in Philosophy and Islamic Thought at the University of Chicago, Illinois , United States of America, 1984.
After becoming a Researcher at the Institute of Economic and Social Research (LEKNAS-LIPI) throughout 1978-1984, he was appointed Senior Researcher of LIPI between 1984-2005. After that, he was appointed Professor, Faculty of Post Graduate, IAIN Syarif Hidayatullah (1985-2005) before being appointed Rector of Paramadina University (1998-2005).
In addition to being active in social, political, educational, and Islamic activities, Cak Nur is a thinker with productive work. Among them, Khazanah Intelektual Islam; Islam, Kemoderanan dan Keindonesiaan; Islam, Doktrin dan Peradaban; Islam, Kerakyatan dan KeIndonesiaan; Pintu-pintu menuju Tuhan; Islam, Agama Kemanusiaan; dan Islam, Agama Peradaban. (usa-rs)