Faculty of Psychology Holds a Seminar on Parenting
Main Auditorium, UIN News Online-- In cooperation with the Association of Indonesian Psychology Student Organization (ILMPI), the Student Council of the Faculty of Psychology UIN Jakarta organized a national seminar entitled parenting Nations dear Children, Children with Character Positive Productive Mirror Nations, in the auditorium Harun Nasution, Tuesday (26/01). Presented as speakers Drs. Apendi M.si Chairman of the Task Force on Child Protection, Elly Risman Musa M.Psi Director of Yayasan Kita and Baby, Tika Bisono M.Psi (psychologist), Kasandra Putranto M.Psi, and Anis Diah Ayu Masita, S.Psi.
Vice Dean for Students, Alumni and Cooperation Dra Diana Muti'ah Msi opening disclose activities, the seminar is expected to expand the minds of parents and prospective parents about the importance of providing the best care to the baby. "Because children are positive character mirrors on the nation's productivity," he said.
In his presentation, Apendi said, the present government has made the Law No. 35 of 2014 on Protection of Children. "This regulation is expected to protect children from violence and abuse," he explained.
While Elly Risman told, that parents are not indifferent to their children. This is because children are now living in the era of 'X' or platinum era. "Our son is currently living in an era of all-digital, all-round easy to access, and research shows that 70% more, children have been watching pornography and porn action at home or in the neighborhood, and this is very alarming," he said.
In addition, Elly also gives tips on how to communicate well with the strategy of the heart. Among them, do not be hasty, aware of the uniqueness of each individual, identify the child's body language, hear the feeling, a good listener and active. "Make things got uncomfortable for the child," he said again. (rs/lrf/is)