Faculty of Medicine Matriculates 10 Doctor Candidates

Faculty of Medicine Matriculates 10 Doctor Candidates

FK Building,  UIN NEWS Online   - Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta 2018/2019 academic year provides matriculation to at least 10 scholarship recipients who study in the Medical Program. Matriculation is given so that students from various Islamic boarding schools can recognize the faculty environment as well as to strengthen basic science.

The opening ceremony was held in the Hall of the FK Building, Thursday (08/09/2018). Also present were Deputy Dean of Public Administration Fika Ekayanti, Deputy Dean of Student Affairs, Alumni and Cooperation Flory Ratna Sari, Head of the Directorate of Early Education of the Ministry of Religion Ahmad Zayadi, and Mayor of Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan, M Riban Satia.

The ten students who were mstriculated were the result of the collaboration selection of the scholarship program for outstanding students (PBSB). Eight students were screened through collaboration between UIN Jakarta and the Ministry of Religion and two students from the collaboration between UIN Jakarta and the City Government of Palangkaraya.

In her speech, Fika Ekayanti said that new students must first learn about the faculty environment. After that, they could learn to become a change agent and a pioneer for other students as good Muslim doctors.

She also stressed, FK students must have a commitment to study, because the scholarship capital is in the scholarship recipients. Therefore, he said, learning in FKs should not be used as a burden, but as a trigger so that students will take education more seriously.

"This matriculation is at gift for students who passed the scholarship program," she said.

Separately, Ahmad Jayadi said, the santri scholarship program was very strategic. It is an effort to accelerate the vertical social mobility of students. That is, santri not only are on the periphery but must move up vertically.

The Ministry of Religion santri scholarship program, according to Jayadi, has been going on since 2005. Until now there have been more than 3,000 students who have been facilitated by their education through the program.

"The alumni have now become many and have a diaspora to various parts of the world, such as in Korea, America and Australia. Of course we hope that they already know the world of medicine in various countries," he said. (usa-rs)