Even Semester Classes, UIN Jakarta Implements Offline Learning
Rectorate, UIN News Online – Good news for the 2021/2022 even semester students. Starting from March 2022, students may study in class face-to-face (offline), including the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) and the Final Semester Examination (UAS), during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Based on information from the UIN Jakarta PR press release received by UIN News Online, Friday (03/4/2022), the temporary face-to-face lecture policy only applies to second and fourth semester students in the undergraduate (S1) program.
The implementation of the face-to-face lecture policy is stated in the Rector’s Circular Letter (SE) No. 14 of 2022 amendments to SE No. 09 of 2022 concerning on Even Semester Academic and Non-Academic Activities of the 2021/2022 Academic Year which was issued on March 4, 2022.
“For S2, S3 and Profession programs, the policy lies with the Dean of the faculty and the Director of Graduate School (SPs) by paying attention to the needs and effectiveness of learning outcomes,” said the Letter, as quoted by press release.
SE also stipulates that in academic and non-academic activities on campus, all academics are required to strictly maintain health protocols. These include wearing masks, washing hands regularly, maintaining distance in classrooms and public spaces, as well as in places of worship. In addition, all academics are also required to have an active Peduli Lindungi account.
“Lecturers and students must also inform the head of the study program if they are positive for Covid-19,” said the release.
In addition to regulating face-to-face learning, SE also gives the green light to the rectorate and faculties to carry out academic and non-academic activities. Academic activities consist of seminars, public lectures, sport competitions, and art performances with maximum number of participants not exceed 50 percent of room’s capacity.
As for students who are completing their final project, are allowed to go to campus to get guidance, visit the library, or utilize other learning resources. (ns/usa)