Ethical Policy Drives the Spirit of Nationalism
SPs Auditorium, UIN News Online – Ethical politics contributes greatly in the liberation of a nation from imperialism and colonialism. Ethical politics is like a double-edged knife and indirectly benefit the indigenous population.
Empirically, the interrelationship between education and nationalism can be seen in the history of Indonesia since the beginning of the twentieth century when the Dutch adopted ethical politics.
The ethical politics that the Netherlands presented at that time, by establishing formal educational institutions such as Hollandsche-Inlandsche School (HIS), Dutch schools for bumiputera, Meer Uitgebred Lager Onderwijs (MULO) and School tot Opleiding Van Indische Arisen (STOVIA).
“From here, learners begin to realize the importance of national values. They are aware of the condition of the suffering of their people as a result of the Dutch colonialism,” said Heni Lestari during her open Doctoral promotion session at Auditorium SPs UIN Jakarta, Thursday, (12/14/2017). She successfully defended his dissertation titled “Pendidikan Agama dan Nasionalisme (Studi pada Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Jakarta” in front of the examiners, which is consists of Prof. Dr. Zulkifli, MA; Prof. Dr. Armai Arief, M.Ag; and Prof. Dr. Masykuri Abdillah. Also present as Promoter, Rector of UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA and Prof. Dr. Abuddin Nata. She succeeded in achieving very satisfactory predicate with a GPA of 3.48.
Heni explains further, ethical politics is a form of moral responsibility of the Dutch colonial government against the people of Indonesia, who experienced major suffering due to the Dutch cultivation of forced colonial policy.
"This ethical policy was pioneered by Pieter Brooshooft and C Th Van de Venter, which opened the eyes of the Dutch colonial government to pay attention to the fate of the Indonesian people," said Heni answering Prof Dr Dede Rosyada's question.
Based on Heni's point of view, in the context of Indonesia and Islamic countries at the time, to build nationalism through intellectual awareness and return to the religious values, is a reassuring view that the love of the homeland is the main spirit of nationalism.
"The spirit of nationalism is not just a physical struggle with a weapon. But the aura of nationalism is also by instilling noble values that are educative, such as raising the awareness to the suffering of his/her people,” said Heni. (usa)