Establishing a halal inspection agency, UIN Jakarta plans to cooperate with PT Farmalab

Establishing a halal inspection agency, UIN Jakarta plans to cooperate with PT Farmalab

Surabaya, UIN News Online – In order to realize the Halal Inspection Agency (LPH), UIN Jakarta plans to sign a Cooperation Agreement (PKS) with PT Farmalab Indoutama which was facilitated by the Directorate General of Islamic Education through the Directorate of Islamic Religious Higher Education. The meeting was held at the Double Tree Hotel Surabaya, Tuesday (02/15/2022).

Present in the event, Rector of UIN Jakarta Amany Lubis, accompanied by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Hari Hendarto, sub-division head of Publication and Documentary of UIN Jakarta Muhammad Furqon and Director of PT Farmalab Indoutama Arie Genipa Suhendi.

In addition to UIN Jakarta, 58 PTKN also participated in the PKS process to accelerate the realization of LPH PTKN throughout Indonesia.

According to Director General of Islamic Education Muhammad Ali Ramdhani, one of the PTKN collaborations with Farmalab is to oversee the establishment of LPH and the manufacture of an Iso 17025 standard laboratory with the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) scheme.

Ramdhani added that the follow-up to the PKS is to carry out certification training and a Halal Auditor competency test which will be carried out by the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) in the near future.

“The presence of PTKN to help carry out halal certification is very important as a form of academic responsibility and community service,” he said.

Director of Islamic Higher Education Suyitno also said that in addition to accelerating LPH to support halal certification, cooperation with Farmalab would also be enhanced for the construction of a pilot teaching hospital in the Medical and Health Sciences department at several PTKN.

According to Suyitno, the PTKN that already has a teaching hospital is UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Even the laboratory at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UIN Jakarta also received WHO recognition as the best laboratory in Covid-19 services.

Meanwhile, UIN Alauddin Makasar is currently building a Teaching Hospital and the one currently undertaking a re-design of the teaching hospital infrastructure is UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.

The PKS PTKN with Farmalab which was held at the end of the National Working Meeting of the Indoinesian Ministry of Religious Affairs was attended by PTKN Leaders throughout Indonesia, Indonesian Minister of Religious Affairs expert staff, and Heads of Sub-Directorate in Diktis. (mf/usa)