Enhancing Inclusive Literacy Culture, Finalists of DKI Jakarta Language Ambassadors Hold Story Adventure Activity
Jakarta, May 27, 2024 – To increase students' interest in reading and literacy skills, Krida 5, part of the Finalists of DKI Jakarta Language Ambassadors 2024, collaborated with SLB-A Pembina Tingkat Nasional Jakarta to organize a literacy event titled “Story Adventure (Peta): Inclusive Audio Transformation.” The event, held on May 21, 2024, was attended by 2nd, 4th, and 5th-grade students, accompanied by several teachers.
Story Adventure (Peta) is a literacy activity focusing on transforming storybooks into inclusive audio for students at SLB-A Pembina Tingkat Nasional Jakarta. This activity includes a podcast (siniar) with accompanying literacy activities.
One of the teachers at SLB-A Pembina Tingkat Nasional Jakarta, Mrs. Shanty, explained that this activity is part of a collaboration with the Finalists of DKI Jakarta Language Ambassadors 2024, aiming to enhance students' literacy skills through audio transformation. "We are delighted to collaborate with the finalists of DKI Jakarta Language Ambassadors 2024 to provide a fun and inclusive literacy experience for all our students. We hope this activity fosters a love for reading and writing among our students," she said.
The series of literacy activities included various interesting events, such as listening sessions of storybook podcasts with titles like "Aku Sayang Ayah," "Gempa," and "Rumah Adat Sumba." After listening to the podcasts, students were asked related questions and answered them directly. The listening sessions were led by members of Krida 5, who took turns sharing inspiring and educational stories. The classroom atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm, as students actively retold the stories accurately.
Additionally, the podcast creation process began with selecting appropriate storybooks for elementary students through the website budi.kemdikbud.go.id. The recording of the podcasts was done in collaboration at the Jakarta Library. The event concluded with the distribution of souvenirs, including bag charms and snacks to the students, and certificates and plaques to the school. “We are very happy that as finalists of the DKI Jakarta Language Ambassadors 2024, we could directly conduct a simulation of the Story Adventure (Peta) and share inspiration and enthusiasm with the students to enhance their literacy skills through the podcasts and audiobooks we presented,” said Dian Anggreini, the event's chairperson.
(Finalists of DKI Jakarta Language Ambassadors 2024/Faadhila Idris)