Eko Ramdani Chosen as the Chairman of LPM Institut
Ciputat, UIN NEWS Online – Eko Ramdani is elected as the Chairman of the LPM Institut for the period of 2018. He was elected during the election of the presidential candidate at the Supreme Musyawarah (Musti) held in Ciputat, South Tangerang, Sunday (1/14/2018). Student of Communication and Broadcasting Department of Islam (KPI) of Faculty of Dakwah and Communication Science succeeded two other candidates, namely Alfarisi Maulana and Muhammad Ubaidillah.
In the election of the candidate chairman conducted through one man one vote, Eko Ramdani earned 10 votes. While Alfarisi Maulana (student of English Department and Literature Faculty of Adab and Humanities) and Muhammad Ubaidillah (student of Da'wah Department of Dakwah Faculty of Communication and Communication) get 8 and 1 votes respectively.
The process of choosing the candidate for LPM Institute chairman is running democratically. The selection is done from and by the participants and takes place closed.
Eko Ramdani will serve as LPM Institute chairman for the next year. He succeeded Dicky Prastya (student of History and Islamic Percentage of Faculty of Adab and Humanities) who finished his term. In addition to being chairman, Eko Ramdani automatically serves as the General Superior of the Tabloid Institute.
When he delivered his speech on his election, Eko said he will continue to improve the organization and tabloid performance of the LPM Institut he leads. He will try to run the mandate until the end of his term.
"May the trust given to me run well and succeed, "he said.
The LPM Institute must be held on 12-14 January 2018. The agenda is to choose the chairman / general leader, as well as the forum for the accountability report of the board in 2017 and prepare the work program in 2018. (usa-rs)