Eid al-Adha 1443 H, UIN Jakarta Will Slaughter 20 Sacrificial Animals

Eid al-Adha 1443 H, UIN Jakarta Will Slaughter 20 Sacrificial Animals

RSU, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta on Eid al-Adha 1443 Hijriyah is scheduled to slaughter 20 sacrificial animals on Tuesday (07/12/2022) which will be distributed to the public, including a number of employees.

The chairman of the Eid al-Adha Organizing Committee Yusuf Rahman said that the sacrificial animals to be slaughtered had to meet the syar'i and health criteria.

“The sacrificial animals that will be slaughtered later, hopefully all are in good health and in accordance with Islamic law,” said Yusuf while chairing the Committee Meeting in the Main Meeting Room, campus I of UIN Jakarta, Thursday (07/07/2022).

Meanwhile, Head of General Affairs, Imam Thobroni, said that the number of sacrificial animals temporarily amounted to 20, consisting of nine cows and 11 goats. These animals come from various groups or institutions or individuals.

According to the plan, the animals will be slaughtered in two locations, namely on campus I and at the UIN Jakarta Guest House in Cikuya, Tangerang.

Insha Allah, if possible, we will also slaughter and distribute them at the Teacher Professional Education (PPG) Building in Bojongsari, Depok,” said Imam. (ns/ta/usa)