Educational Transformation at PBAK FITK UIN Jakarta 2024: Inclusive and Equitable for All

Educational Transformation at PBAK FITK UIN Jakarta 2024: Inclusive and Equitable for All

Harun Nasution Building, UIN News Online - Introduction of Academic and Student Culture (PBAK) of the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Keguruan (FITK) UIN Jakarta brings a new spirit in the world of education. PBAK FITK 2024 was opened directly by the Dean of FITK, Prof. Siti Nurul Azkiyah, Ph.D, and attended by the Vice Dean 1, Dr. Yanti Herlanti, M.Pd., Vice Dean 2, Dr. Yudhi Munadi, S.Ag., M.Ag., and Vice Dean 3, Salamah Agung, M.A., Ph.D. in Harun Nasution Building on Friday (30/08/2024). With the theme “Building Bridges for Inclusive and Equitable Education”, PBAK FITK 2024 is not only an event to welcome new students, but also a call to fight for a more equitable and open educational future for all. 

The Putera Bangsa Bebas Merdeka campaign carried out in this activity is a major highlight, emphasizing the importance of freedom of thought and academic freedom in the learning process. “New students are expected to be critical and innovative agents of change in creating a more inclusive education,” said the Dean of FITK.

PBAK FITK 2024 presented prominent speakers who are widely recognized in the world of education, including: Rina Sa'adah, Member of the House of Representatives 2024-2029, Najelaa Shihab, founder of Cikal School and education fighter who always fights for inclusivity, Guru Gembul, an education influencer known for his creative approach to teaching, Ubaid Matraji, Coordinator of the Indonesian Education Monitoring Network (JPPI) who actively advocates for education rights.

Not only that, this event also collaborated with Cakap, an online learning platform to support the development of student skills in an increasingly complex digital era. Chairman of the Student Executive Board (DEMA) of FITK UIN Jakarta, Rifqi Aunurrofi Al-Gifari, emphasized that PBAK is not just a ceremonial activity, but also a moment to encourage real change. “We want new students to understand that education is not just a transfer of knowledge, but also a struggle to achieve justice and inclusiveness in every aspect of academic life,” he said.

Through PBAK FITK 2024, it is hoped that new students can actively participate in efforts to fight for education that is free from discrimination, and more oriented towards justice and inclusiveness. 

(Nadia Maylina/Aji Pangestu/Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi)

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