Educational Management Students of UIN Jakarta Held Seminar about Scholarship

Educational Management Students of UIN Jakarta Held Seminar about Scholarship

Students from Educational Management of FITK UIN Jakarta held a seminar about scholarship in the main auditorium of UIN Jakarta, Thursday, (12/15).

Main Auditorium, UIN News Online – Students from Educational Management of FITK UIN Jakarta held a seminar about scholarship in the main auditorium of UIN Jakarta. The seminar entitled "Dengan Beasiswa, Masa Depan Kita Cemerlang" is held in order to provide both national and international scholarship information.

The seminar was officiated by the Head of Educational Management study program Dr. Hasyim Asy’ari, M.Pd, and attended by hundreds of students from the various faculties. In his opening remarks, Hasyim appreciates this seminar. He, who also had the experiences of getting a scholarship from graduate to post graduate expected that the number of scholarship grantee at UIN Jakarta should be increased.

“There are pretty much of scholarship sources, both managed by UIN Jakarta or other Institutions. The most important things are we need to know the information and how to obtain it. From now on, the grantee candidate must prepare the good GPA and foreign languages skill to avoid the difficulties when registering for the scholarship,” said Hasyim.

The seminar present three speakers, Vice Rector of Academic Affairs of UIN Jakarta Dr. Fadillah Suralaga, Prof. Dr. H. Mundzier Suparta, MA from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, and the former student council head of Educational Management Study Program of FITK UIN Jakarta Kamal Fuadi, M. Si.

In the same occasion, the head of University Student Council Ahmad Al Darda stated that this seminar is very important for the students; this is because the scholarship will provide many benefits. In line with Ahmad, the organizer of this seminar Dean Wardan explained that the aim of this seminar is to provide both national and international scholarship information.

“During this time, we only get a little bit of information regarding the scholarship. In fact, the ideals of education would be wide open if we obtained the scholarships. Scholarships will also help meet the cost of tuition and the need during the studying period,” said Dean, the fifth-semester student majoring in Educational Management. (usa)