Education and Research

Education and Research


UIN Jakarta Green Campus Initiative

Green Campus Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta promotes environmental preservation to create a sustainable future. Research and teaching at this institution concentrate on environmental conservation knowledge and methods. The program promotes renewable energy, waste management, water conservation, and urban ecology research to solve global environmental issues. Researchers and students are encouraged to develop environmentally friendly technologies and approaches that benefit the community.

UIN Jakarta incorporates sustainability-based courses and activities into its curriculum.  Students learn about and help preserve the environment via applicable ideas and behaviors.

The UIN Jakarta Green Campus Program offers seminars, conferences, and training on green practices in addition to classroom activities. These programs teach campus inhabitants how to protect the environment and make beneficial lifestyle choices. Students, professors, and education professionals work together to create a sustainable campus via conversations and training.

UIN Jakarta aims to produce graduates that care about the environment, have wide understanding, and can actively conserve nature via sustainable education and research. Our graduates are expected to encourage society to live more sustainably and in harmony with their environment.

Also read: Environmental Research: Implementation of the Eco-friendly Movement in Islamic Boarding Schools