Dudung Abdurachman deliver his speech at UIN Jakarta
Harun Nasution Auditorium, UIN News Online – Indonesian Army Chief of Staff Gen. Dudung Abdurachman deliver his speech at the UIN Jakarta’s 123rd graduation ceremony on Saturday (02/26/2022) held at Harun Nasution Auditorium, campus I of UIN Jakarta.
In his speech, Dudung discussed the development of science and technology. In addition, he also discussed the emergence of the phenomenon of populism in the world, the spread of fake news by usinf media platforms and the post truth era.
Looking at the conditions in Indonesia, Dudung invited all attendees to recall the history of the nation and the spirit of the founding fathers in formulating the foundation of the state. According to Dudung, national defense is not only the domain of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) but the responsibility of all components of the nation, including students, in facing threats to the integrity and unity of the nation.
“There are four roles that students can take in maintaining the unity and integrity of the nation. First, as an agent of change. Second, as the guardian of Pancasila. Third, as the nation's successor. Finally, as a component that has social control in social life,” he said.
He also hopes that students will always do their best, especially to achieve their respective goals.
For information, the newly inaugurated graduates consist of 1,087 people from undergraduate programs, 40 master’s program (S2), and 14 doctoral programs (S3). The details are 254 graduates from the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK), 121 graduates from the Faculty of Adab and Humanities (FAH), 58 graduates from the Ushuludin Faculty (FU), 142 graduates from the Sharia and Law Faculty (FSH), 131 graduates from the Da’wah and Communications Science Faculty (FDIK), 23 graduates from the Dirasat Islamiyah Faculty (FDI), 32 graduates from the Faculty of Psychology (FPsi), 110 gradautes from the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), 42 graduates from the Faculty of Science and Technology (FST), 42 graduates from the Faculty of Health Sciences (Fikes), 73 graduates from Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP), 4 graduates from the Faculty of Medicine (FK), and 17 graduates from Graduate School (SPs) UIN Jakarta. (usa)