Dr Zubair: BSA Mengajar is a Conrete Step

Dr Zubair: BSA Mengajar is a Conrete Step

FAH, UIN News Online – Arabic Language and Literatures (BSA) Department of FAH UIN Jakarta holds volunteering seminar entitled “Menumbuhkan Jiwa Kerelawanan pada Generasi Muda” at FAH theater, campus III of UIN Jakarta, Thursday, (10/5/2017).

Present in the event, Vice Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs FAH UIN Jakarta Dr Zubair Ahmad MA, BSA Department Head M Husni Thamrin MA, Commisioner of Turun Tangan Banten Angger Andi Sutawijaya, and the Initiator of Banten Mengajar Fadillah Nova Rizky as the speakers.

Also present in the event, the alumni of Pengajar Muda Banten Mengajar, and BSA stdents of UIN Jakarta.

In his remarks, Husni appreciate the implementation of this event. He expects that this activity can motivate others to give positive contributions to the community.

“BSA Mengajar is a concrete step in realizing the three pillars of higher education,” he said.

In the same place, Angger said that the progress of a region can be seen from the educational quality of its people. “BSA UIN Jakarta must be a pioneer to improve the educational quality of the people in Banten to be equal with other regions,” he said.

Fadhillah also invites BSA students to continue serving the community. “Serving and teaching is fun. We can be useful for others,” she said. (usa)