Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto: Consumers Play a Important Role as Active Subjects in the Digital Era

Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto: Consumers Play a Important Role as Active Subjects in the Digital Era

Mahmud Yunus FITK Theater, UIN News Online - The National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN) together with UIN Jakarta held education and socialization of consumer protection in Mahmud Yunus Theater Room, FITK on Wednesday (25/9/24). 

Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM), Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si., in his speech emphasized the importance of strengthening the concept of consumers as objects directly involved in the digital economic system. According to him, consumers are not only passive spectators, but must be seen as subjects who play an active role in every process, both in the economic, social and legal sectors.

“Consumers are repository citizens, who are involved in all aspects of the country's life,” said Dr. Gun Gun. He also emphasized that the role of consumers cannot be underestimated, especially in the context of their rights that must be protected. In the midst of the rapid development of digital technology, consumers are often targeted by unethical business practices, so the protection of their rights must be strengthened.

Dr. Gun Gun also highlighted the importance of understanding digital communication, which is now turning into “one to many communication.” “Digital is not just a matter of one-to-one communication, but has become mass communication. This needs attention, especially in the economic sector which is now increasingly connected through digital platforms,” he explained.

In the context of increasingly popular digital shopping, Dr. Gun Gun reminds us that Indonesians are not yet fully educated about this system. While more and more people are turning to online shopping, many do not fully understand their rights and obligations as consumers in the digital realm.

“Education and socialization about digital shopping needs to be promoted more widely,” he added. Lack of understanding about consumer protection, how digital platforms work, and payment systems often put consumers in a vulnerable position. Therefore, consumer education is a strategic step that needs to be considered by the government, industry players, and the community itself.

With the increasing digital penetration in all sectors, Dr. Gun Gun emphasized that awareness of consumer rights and strengthening their role in the digital ecosystem are crucial to driving equitable and sustainable economic growth.

For more details, check out the YouTube live stream at the following link:


(Aida Adha Siregar/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Melva Evangelyn, Hermanudin)

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