Dr. Gun Gun at the Da'wah Festival and Anniversary of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences: Strengthening Knowledge and Self-Dialectics are Highlighted
Prof. Dr. Aqib Suminto Theater Room, UIN News Online — UIN Jakarta's Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences held a Da'wah Festival and Anniversary at the 2nd Floor Theater Room, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences (FDIKOM) on Thursday (5/9/2024). This event was held as an annual event of FDIKOM.
The event began with remarks as well as the opening of the Festival of Da'wah activities by the Dean of the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences, Dr. Gun Gun Heryanto, M.Si., which will take place on September 5-7, 2024.
Dr. Gun Gun then gave examples of several alumni from the Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Sciences who have achieved proud achievements. Among them are alumni of the Educational Fund Management Institution (LPDP) Scholarship recipients who have studied at George Washington University, Shulhan Rumaru, M.A., as well as other LPDP alumni, Mata Garuda Amerika: American and Canadian LPDP Alumni, Abraham Soyem, M.T.A. These figures are considered to be role models for students.
Then he emphasized how crucial self-dialectic is in facing life's challenges and obstacles. According to him, dialectic is not just a philosophical concept, but an internal process in which individuals are able to examine, question, and reflect on their understanding of the world around them. This process allows a person to continuously develop, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually.
He emphasized that in the modern era of rapid change, students are required to not only absorb knowledge, but also actively discuss and debate with themselves and their environment. “This self-dialectic process allows one to continuously adapt and find creative solutions in complex situations,” he said.
Dr. Gun Gun also explained that the ability to ask critical questions of oneself and the surrounding reality is an important foundation for personal and social progress. Internal and external conflicts that arise through dialectics are considered a means to achieve greater development. Through self-dialectics, individuals can evaluate their beliefs, be open to new ideas, and develop a broader perspective.
He also touched on the importance of science, which will continue to evolve with the changing times. Therefore, scholarship programs, such as LPDP, are needed to support the development of science, as well as a form of sacrifice for the progress of the country.
Dr. Gun Gun then symbolically opened the Da'wah Festival and Anniversary event and was warmly welcomed by the participants.
(Aida Adha Siregar/Fauziah M./Dzihan Aufa Kilmi Firdausi/Photo: Dwi Aryo Penangsang, Hermanudin)