DKI Jakarta Involves UIN Jakarta in Family Development Program
Jakarta, UIN News Online— Jakarta Provincial Government involves UIN Jakarta in DKI Jakarta family development program. In addition to UIN Jakarta, DKI Jakarta is also involving the military, the police and various educational and religious institutions in DKI Jakarta. It is inaugurated by signing the cooperation agreement between the Jakarta Family Planning and Women and Community Empowerment Body (BPMPKB) and other partner institution in Jakarta, Tuesday (06/28).
The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, The Head of Jakarta Family Planning and Women and Community Empowerment Body (BPMPKB), Dien Emawati, and The Head of Family Development BPMP-KB Drg. Silvia are presents. The signing agreements process was also attended by 34 partner institutions. This cooperation will focus on improving the quality of family, population control and women’s reproductive health. The agreement will last for three years.
In his speech, Basuki said that the program is an effort initiated by the local government to develop and empower the citizens of Jakarta. As a province with a relatively rapid progress, the local government needs to encourage all citizens to be involved in the development progress. "We do not want, Jakarta flourish, neat and modern. But at the same time, the concern for the societies are not growing," he said.
Silvia added, the implementation of the program will focus on three main locations, the Integrated Child Friendly Community Centers (Ruang Publik Terpadu Ramah Anak/RPTRA), Low Cost Rental Apartments (Rumah Susun Sederhana Sewa/Rusunawa), and Kampung Keluarga Berencana (KB). With the involvement from the educational and religious institutions, Silvia hopes this program can achieve the maximum goal, to raise the awareness and to improve the Jakarta residents welfare.
UIN Jakarta Vice Rector of Cooperation, Prof. Dr. Murodi M.Ag who signed the agreement of cooperation appreciates the Jakarta Provincial Government which has involved the educational institutions in community empowerment. According to him, the institution has the resources that can be utilized in the process of community empowerment. "The involvement of educational institutions can also enrich the research and dedication of the college communities for the public’s," he said. (Ihsan/hmn/zm/fa/umar s.)