Director of Dompet Dhuafa, Ahmad Sonhaji: UIN Jakarta Alumni Can Penetrate All Continents to Answer the Problems of the Ummah

Director of Dompet Dhuafa, Ahmad Sonhaji: UIN Jakarta Alumni Can Penetrate All Continents to Answer the Problems of the Ummah

Auditorium Harun Nasution, Berita UIN Online - "33 years ago in 1991, I set foot on a campus that is the pride of Muslim intellectuals and scholars," said Dompet Dhuafa's Director of Dawah and Cultural Social Services, Ahmad Sonhaji S. Ag M.M during his remarks in the open senate session of the 131st Bachelor Graduation Day, Sunday (25/2/2024).

Since 2000, he has been dedicated to Islamic philanthropy through Dompet Dhuafa which has become a strategic partner of STF (Social Trust Fund) UIN Jakarta. In his view, he said that contemporary da'wah must be able to answer the problems of the people with a transformative approach. 

On the second day of the Undergraduate Program Graduation celebration entitled "Strengthening the younger generation in the contribution of science and religion to society". Sonhaji emphasized that science and religion must be a package to carry out humanitarian missions based on religious values.

"Education at UIN Jakarta is an implementative and pragmatic education, which can be used as a mode of community development," he said.

He also revealed an effort to build a da'wah laboratory with his colleagues to mobilize da'i to spread da'wah in five continents namely Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia and America with a strong scientific basis.

For Sonhaji, the biggest challenge for students in the future is to answer the problems of the people. According to him, da'wah still has far and long challenges.

Especially the struggle for UIN Jakarta alumni to play a role in showing good dedication as the best campus student in Indonesia. This can be implemented in various places such as in rural areas, hospitals, even in detention centers, which still need the touch of intellectuals and Muslim scholars who care about humanitarian missions and values.

With the spirit of struggle, Ahmad Sonhaji hopes that the graduating students can answer this challenge with collaboration, penetrating all continents to answer the problems of the people with science and basic religious values. 

"The struggle must continue to be fought, we UIN Jakarta alumni can penetrate all continents to answer the problems of the people as an effort to develop society and moral responsibility to follow up on the mission of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. Keep moving forward, keep developing, instill the side of human values. Because that is the power to be able to take part in society," he concluded.

(Aliffia Hafiizhah/Fauziah Muslimah/Novia Syifaputri Ramadhan)

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