Director of Diktis Appreciates the Increasing Number of Accredited Journal in UIN Jakarta
Ciputat, UIN News Online – Director of Islamic Higher Education (Diktis), Directorate General of Islamic Education Ministry of Religious Affairs (Kemenag) RI Prof Dr Arskal Salim GP MA appreciates the Increasing Number of Accredited Journal in UIN Jakarta. He hopes the quality of scientific journals continues to be maintained and improved in order to become international journals indexed by Scopus, Thursday, (1/4/2018).
According to Arskal, the increasing number of UIN Jakarta’s national accredited journals gives a strong confidence on the publications competence of all UIN Jakarta academicians.
“The increasing number of accredited journals also strengthen the academic atmosphere and multi-disciplinary scientific tradition in UIN Jakarta as evidenced by the variety of accredited journals,” he said.
From the institutional side, Arskal also added that this increase also reinforces the position of UIN Jakarta at the top of scientific publication in PTKIN environment. He also hopes all civitas academica to be committed in maintaining and improving the quality of journals in UIN Jakarta.
Known, the number of accredited scientific journals in UIN Jakarta continues to grow in 2017 compared to 2016. The accredited journal accumulation is expected to continue to spur the increasing number of scientific publications of lecturers-researchers at UIN Jakarta.
Based on search result, Wednesday, (1/3/2018), in 2017, the number of accredited national journals increased by six journals. That way, the total accredited scientific journals in UIN Jakarta reach 10 journals.
Based on Letter of Director of Intellectual Property Management, Directorate General for Research Development, Kemenristek Dikti¸ notes that six UIN Jakarta’s accredited journals are; Jurnal Kimia Valensi, Jurnal Tarbiya, Jurnal Arabiyat, Jurnal Edusains, Jurnal Etikonomi, and Journal al-Iqtishad (re-accreditation).
Based on scientific clusters, Etikonomi and al-Iqtishad are included in economic cluster, While Tarbiya, Arabiyat, and Edusains are included in educational science cluster, and Kimia Valensi is included in mathematics and natural sciences (MIPA) cluster.
In previous years, UIN Jakarta’s accredited journals are Jurnal Studia Islamika, Jurnal Ilmu Ushuluddin, Jurnal Signifikan, and Jurnal Ahkam. Unlike the other journals, is one of the few PTKIN’s journals that have been indexed by Scopus. (usa)