Development Project for the Leading Islamic State University: Rector of UIN Jakarta Proposes Strategic Plan to the Minister of Religious Affairs
Rectorate Building, UIN Online News - UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is preparing for the execution of a priority development initiative: "The Quality Improvement and Strengthening of Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta Project as a Leading and Independent World Class University: Improving the Quality of Differentiation and Distinction as well as the CoE of Education as the Growth Center of Independence and Excellence in Quality and Competitiveness".
To begin with, Rector of UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Asep Saepudin Jahar and Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Nasaruddin Umar held an important conference at the Ministry of Religious Affairs' office in Jakarta on Thursday (13/2/2025)
Several representatives from the UIN Jakarta's chairmne were attending this meeting: Vice Rector for General Administration, Prof. Dr. Imam Subchi; Head of the Quality Assurance Institute, Prof. Dr. Khamami Zada; Head of the Academic Administration, Student Affairs, and Cooperation Bureau, Dr. Sri Ilham Lubis; Head of the Financial Planning Bureau, Teguh Suwarno M.Sc.; Planning Team Leader Fitriadi M.Mgt.; and Head of the Public Information and Assistance Center, Ishar Helmy LL.M.
This official meeting with the Minister of Religious Affairs aims to discuss the Strategic Program within the 2024-2025 Strategic Plan. Rector of UIN Jakarta proposes that the use of Foreign Loans and/or Grants (PHLN) as a financial option for UIN Jakarta's priority development plan is highly considerable.
The Quality Improvement and Strengthening Project of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta serves to formulate a framework for independent higher education via the establishment and advancement of self-sustaining income. All these initiatives correspond with UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta's objective of attaining international recognition as a renowned Islamic State university and strategic significance for its sustainability in the future.
UIN Jakarta, through this plan, is also expected to provide alternative solutions to developments, challenges, and critical opportunities at national, international, regional, and global levels that directly affect Indonesia's national interests: Indonesia’s Higher Education Status on the International Stage, Human Global Competitiveness Index, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Demographic Bomb, Industrial Revolution 4.0, and domestic issues regarding the middle-income trap.
Furthermore, additional significant missions and objectives of this project implementation are to establish synergistic and productive partnerships with diverse stakeholders in the business and industrial sectors, as well as to facilitate development in the Special Capital Region (DKI) of Jakarta and its surrounding areas. DKI Jakarta, with its potential advantages, status, and conditions, presents a significant opportunity for UIN Jakarta to enhance its role and capabilities in mutually beneficial partnerships, thereby positively affecting development and progress for both parties.
To accomplish the project's goals and objectives as outlined in the prepared design, this project has numerous primary activity components:
- Physical Components which include (1) Civil Works: Educational Facilities, Auxiliary Educational Facilities, and Ancillary Facilities; (2) Educational Equipment.
- Non-Physical Components which include (1) Capacity Building and Staff Development (Degree Programs: Doctorate and Master's Degrees), Non-Degree Programs (Training and Short Courses); (2) Curriculum Development.
- Supporting Components which include (1) Consulting Services: Detailed Engineering Design (DED), Project Management and Supervision (PMS), Equipment and Interior Design. (2) Project Management Unit/Project Implementation Unit (PMU/PIU).
The entire financial required for the implementation of this project, as per the completed cost estimations, is USD 116,391,816. The project's primary finance requirements, including sustainability concerns and the need for expedited implementation, will be proposed via the Foreign Loans and Grants (PHLN) funding source and financially supplemented by the Pure Companion Rupiah (RMP).
Press Release from the Planning Team of UIN Jakarta (FR/ZM/Muhamad Arifin Ilham)