Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs delivers his speech at the Milad UIN Jakarta

Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs delivers his speech at the Milad UIN Jakarta

Ciputat, UIN News Online – UIN Jakarta is known as a campus that has contributed to the birth of prominent Islamic reformers such as Harun Nasution, Nurcholish Madjid, Quraish Shihab, and Azyumardi Azra. This was said by the Indonesian Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs Zainut Tauhid during his speech in the National Webinar entitled “Kontribusi Pendidikan Tinggi Islam dalam Merajut Kebhinekaan: Refleksi 75 Tahun Kemerdekaan RI”, Tuesday (08/18/2020).

According to Zainut, they treat Islamic heritage as a living tradition, which is then developed critically, scientifically and contextually. “Their legacy is very important to continue to be studied and disseminated in public spaces so that the world can receive its benefits,” he said.

He also added that UIN Jakarta is committed to uphold moderate Islamic value. This commitment has made a major contribution in maintaining the integrity of nation’s diversity.

“UIN Jakarta is a miniature of Indonesia, which has become a melting pot for various cultural, ethnic, racial, and religious diversity,” he said.

Furthermore, Zainut also revealed the Indonesian of Ministry of Religious Affairs will continue to support UIN Jakarta to become a third generation university, namely a university that aims to develop education and research, and knows how to utilize science through knowledge management which plays a role in creating professional experts or scientists as well as entrepreneurs who are responsive to international market competition.

In addition, Zainut also appreciated the commemoration of 63rd anniversary of UIN Jakarta which was also filled with book launching activities entitled “Esai-esai Moderasi Beragama Mahasiswa UIN Jakarta” and "Antologi Puisi Cinta untuk UIN Jakarta” (usa)