DEMA FITK Holds Hypnoteaching

DEMA FITK Holds Hypnoteaching

Aqib Suminto Theater, UIN News Online – Student Executive Council (DEMA) FITK UIN Jakarta holds hypnoteaching for Tangerang area teachers and civitas academica of FITK UIN Jakarta. The event entitled “Bersinergi Bersama Menjawab Tantangan Dunia Pendidikan di Era Millenial dengan Hypnoteaching” is held at Aqib Suminto Theater, FIDK Building, Campus I of UIN Jakarta, Wednesday, (10/4/2017).

Present in the event, Vice dean of Student and Alumni Affairs FITK UIN Jakarta Dr Fauzan MA, Dr TB Wahyudi ST MSi MCHt CHI as the speaker as well as students of FITK UIN Jakarta.

Chairman of DEMA FITK UIN Jakarta Adi Raharjo said that this event is aimed to determine the methods on how to a fun teacher for the learners.

In the same place, Fauzan in his remarks appreciated the implementation of the activities. “Hypnoteaching method is good in answering the educational challenges in the millennial era as it is today. Additionally, we can also find ways to influence learners with sympathy, "he said.

During his presentation, Tubagus Wahyudi said, the students are always waiting for the presence of a teacher who has a positive appeal, and the subject he/she delivered will be immediately accepted by his/her students.

“There are some hypnotic principles that teachers need to have in order to encourage their students to learn. Among them are; positive self-popularity that can attract the attention of others, has expertise in some things, has a compelling personality from aspects of ethics, etiquette and aesthetics, and have a good physical appearance. Next is the tone and the corresponding sound pressure, and the ability to compose the words in order to touch the feeling of his/her students, "he explained.

Based on UIN News Online observation, the participants are very enthusiastic to follow the course of the event. Several questions were asked by the students to the speakers towards the end of the event. (usa)