DEMA FISIP UIN Jakarta Will Organize a National Seminar
Editorial Room, UIN News Online – Student Executive Council (DEMA) of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) UIN Jakarta will organize national seminar entitled “50 Tahun ASEAN,Momen Maritim Indonesia”. The event was held as a form of efforts to realize the maritime vision carried by President Joko Widodo. The event will take place on Thursday (9/28), at Harun Nasution Auditorium, Campus I of UIN Jakarta.
The seminar will present a number of experts. Among them are; Former Admiral of KSAL Dr Marsetio, who is currently served as Special Envoy to IMO (International Maritime Organisation), Assistant Deputy of Sea Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Republic of Indonesia, Head of Balitbang KKP Zulficar Mochtar.
“It is expected that this national seminar can provide a new spirit, especially the idea of helping the President in realizing his vision,” said the chairman of the committee Ifaz Amari to UIN News Online.
He also added that as the biggest State Islamic University in Indonesia, UIN Jakarta is expected to bring any new ideas related to maritime, and becomes the first and only Islamic University in Indonesia that has a vision of the World Maritime Axis.
“In accordance with the spirit of the Walisongo who use the coast and sea as the center of civilization (economic, social, political, and cultural), UIN Jakarta should make maritime as part of da'wah to strengthen the NKR,” he said.
For information, this seminar will be moderated by Robby Sugara, lecturer from FISIP UIN Jakarta, And will be attended by all civitas academica of UIN Jakarta.
For information, according to the Indonesian Navy Center for Hydrographic and Oceanographic, Indonesian archipelago has 17,508 islands lying between the Indian Ocean to Pacific Ocean, and between the Continent of Asia and the Continent of Australia.
Luas wilayah Indonesia adalah 7,9 juta km2, terdiri atas 1,8 juta km2 berupa daratan, 3,2 juta km2 wilayah laut territorial, dan 2.9 juta km2 sebagai Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif (ZEE) dengan panjang garis pantai sekitar ±81000 km. It shows that the total territory of Indonesia 77% in the form of waters or three times the land area of Indonesia. (usa)