Defense Minister of RI Emphasizes the Importance of State Defense

Defense Minister of RI Emphasizes the Importance of State Defense

Ciputat, UIN News Online – The new students of UIN Jakarta attended a public lecture delivered by the Minister of Defense Ryamizard Ryacudu in the field of Campus I UIN Jakarta, Ciputat, South Tangerang, Tuesday (8/22/2017).

On that occasion, Ryamizard asked all new students of UIN Jakarta to be serious in gaining knowledge, in order to achieve a bright future. “In the next 15 to 20 years, this country belongs to all of you.  I hope one day you will become a trustful leader,” he said.

According to Ryamizard, the current era of globalization is filled by the competition of modernization of social, political, and technological fields. Therefore, it is very important to instill the awareness of state defense to strengthen the national identity in facing the competition.

“State Defence is an obligation that cannot be bargained with. Our ancestors have inherited the ideology of the state, namely Pancasila, and we, as the nation's successor should be grateful and carry out the state defenses,” he added.

Ryamizard also tells where the times of the struggle for independence.  At that time, the strength of Muslims and other elements of fighting forces can unite in expelling the invaders from Indonesia.

“The role of Muslims in seizing the independence began with the existence of Budi Utomo and the Sumpah Pemuda (Youth Pledge). We are the legitimate heirs of this beloved homeland, and the attitude to defend the country has already been implanted in our DNA,” said Ryamizard.

Ryamizard also invites all students of UIN Jakarta to increase their competence in realizing the state defense, without being affected by the diversities. It is in line with the principle of Islam, "Lakum Diinukum Waliyadiin", for you is your religion, and for me is my religion. (usa)